What is the site for?

Nowadays the Internet plays a huge role in our life. It has become an integral part of our communication, entertainment and work. In today’s information society, more and more people and businesses understand that they need their own website. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why a website becomes an indispensable tool for business

Automation of interaction with the client

You probably use some social networks (Instagram*, Facebook*, Vkontakte) or instant messengers (Whatsapp, Telegram) to promote your products and services. However, there is a problem here: there is no automation of interaction with a client or buyer.

Let’s explain in simple terms with an example. Suppose you provide some kind of service, for example, you are a hairdresser, stylist, photographer, and so on. The client wants to make an appointment with you (or just use your service). To do this, he must write to you and wait for your answer. And at this time:

  • You may be busy
  • You can be with a client
  • You can sleep
  • You can have a day off
  • You may lose internet
  • …and a host of other things that could be

In addition to the fact that you are a person, not a robot (respectively, you cannot work 24 hours a day), there is another problem – the client does not like to wait, write, and do a lot of unnecessary actions. The client loves when everything is fast, easy and simple. The client can go to someone who will be quick, easy and simple. Or if the client is not your first time, then loyalty will be lost: he will wait until you answer, and often the client needs something urgently

Or the client can call you, but here the same problems that we described above appear

We often see when entrepreneurs who provide services post free days and times for registration – in the form of a post, for example (we are now talking about those entrepreneurs who need to sign up). But this is not entirely correct: such entrepreneurs constantly have to be distracted and adjust posts with free times and dates.

The way out is to automate this process. This can be done using your site, which:

  • Will work and accept entries, applications, orders 24/7
  • Will send notifications to Telegram, email. Despite the fact that notifications can be received not only by you, but also by your colleagues who will process the application if you are busy
  • Will send entries to Google Calendar
  • Will automatically show potential clients free dates and times
  • Will collect your customer base so that you can send out email or SMS about new promotions and services, thereby getting ahead of your competitor without automation

Convenience for clients

Continuing the previous section, it is worth mentioning the sale of goods in social networks and instant messengers. We often see this picture: a beautiful selling post is laid out, but the price is not indicated in it. A potential buyer needs to write to you to find out the price and delivery terms (if any). Or the price may be indicated, but it may lose its relevance.

But here all the same problems that we talked about above appear and new ones are added:

  • You can’t edit prices in bulk – you’ll have to change every post if you want the customer to see the actual prices. Or asking a potential buyer to write to you, but this is not correct
  • You will constantly have to answer questions about the availability of goods, about sizes, about delivery, about payment methods and many other questions. And this time
  • With online trading, it is important not only to find new customers, but also to keep regular ones. One of the ways is to send by email or SMS about new promotions and discounts. When selling on social networks and messengers, the customer base will have to be collected manually

Exit – your site. It will help with the following:

  • It will allow you to show all the information about the product: price, current balances, sizes and much more. Moreover, you can easily change the price of all goods in bulk, which will save you a lot of time. And you can also set discounts for any category of goods and for almost any conditions. And all this will work 24/7, automatically
  • Goods parameters (prices, balances) can be changed directly from the goods accounting program (for example, 1C). We sold the goods in 1C, the changes were reflected on the site. We doubt that this is possible when trading through social networks or instant messengers
  • The site itself will be able to calculate the cost of delivery, show available payment methods, accept payment, send a letter of gratitude to e-mail (or SMS). You (or your manager) will only have to process the order
  • The base of buyers is collected automatically

Huge potential

Social networks and instant messengers are good, but they have limited functionality.

Sites do not have this disadvantage

You can develop a site of any complexity: from a simple business card site where your services are presented, to a large online store with a flexible discount system, personal account, integration with 1C and payment systems, SDEK delivery service, Telegram notifications, SMS marketing and many others. Almost no restrictions

The site is available to everyone

You can simultaneously promote your services or products through several social networks or messengers, but not every client of yours is registered in the social network or messenger where your client is. Thus, some potential customers are lost.

There is no such problem with the site – it is available for each of your clients

Excellent indexing by search engines

Your products and services are searched on the Internet. Search engines (such as Yandex, Google) crawl (index) millions of pages on the Internet every day so that search results are always up to date.

Posts in social networks are well indexed by search engines, Telegram is indexed much worse, other messengers are not indexed.

Sites are indexed perfectly! Every page, every service and product. Moreover – you can make sure that certain pages are not indexed by search engines

The more information you have about your business online, the better

Analytics flexibility

Website analytics play an important role in understanding user behavior and website performance. With the help of analytics, you can get valuable information about how users interact with the site, what pages they visit, how long they stay on them and where they come from. This data allows you to make informed decisions to improve and optimize the site.

Unlike social networks and instant messengers, where analytics is usually limited to basic metrics, website analytics provides more detailed information and allows you to customize monitoring and analysis for specific purposes. This may include tracking conversions, measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, analyzing visitor behavior at the individual page level, and more.

Thus, site analytics provide a deep understanding of how visitors use the site and help make decisions to make the site even better and more convenient for everyone


Developers of social networks and instant messengers pay great attention to the security of user profiles and their projects in general. However, a situation often occurs when attackers hack user profiles (often through the fault of the users themselves), delete all information and irretrievably. That is, without the ability to restore the profile and information. And it turns out that all the work is in vain.

In the case of the site, everything is different. Backups are created daily, which will help in case an attacker hacked the site and deleted all the information. All this information can be restored from a backup

What can we offer you?

We have been working since 2020 and have created more than 20 projects of varying degrees of complexity. We create sites on the WordPress platform – more than 40% of sites around the world work on this platform. This is a very flexible platform that allows you to implement almost any required functionality. We pay special attention to an individual approach to each project so that the site fully reflects the uniqueness and goals of your business. We strive to create websites that are not only visually appealing, but also highly functional. We also offer ongoing site support and maintenance to keep your sites running smoothly and growing in the long run.

In addition, we also care about the security of our clients’ websites. Providing protection against potential cyberattacks and ensuring that data is stored securely are our priorities. We follow the latest trends and best practices in the field of web security so that our clients can be confident in the reliability and integrity of their sites.

Website development is an investment in the future of your business. It helps to establish a strong online presence, attract new customers and communicate effectively with existing audiences. If you are looking for a reliable partner to create your website, please contact us. We will be happy to review your project and help you turn your ideas into a successful and functional website.

*Instagram and Facebook are owned by Meta, a recognized extremist organization and banned in Russia
